Wednesday, February 13, 2013

ARC Promotion Committee's Fashion

cat takes on the catwalk model
Hello All! Here is the first post on the Promotion Committees blog spot. I will send an email to members to confirm, then invite as authors those in this group.

This photo is by Edgar Berg, noted fashion photographer. Photoshop (cat) is by me!
A place to post and work on tasks, ideas and connect with the whole group at once.
We can work and post, the posts can be gleaned for public presentation and the
working posts deleted or hidden.

How can we share ideas and collaborate on work online?
For example the model search might begin with posting information, members can add to or comment on posting and a finished piece can come from that. The "working" work will be deleted and the finished piece that remains can be posted or printed.

the following was taken from "the pink gown fashion show" event on the web:

Want to Model? Expectations:
* A chance to be a model for the night and strut on the catwalk with your friends and family watching
* Professional hair and makeup services on event night
* Professional photography services on event night
* Complimentary after party
* Special admission to your friends and family
* Listing on our event website as a model
* Listing on our program guide
* All participants will receive an official Thank You letter in recognition of your participation
* An opportunity to win additional prizes
* Fashion Show open to men and women alike, open to ages 18 and up.
* Men can wear pink ties–(or dresses, we’re cool like that)
* Participants do not have to be a cancer survivor, those supporting loved ones are welcome

After reading this what about offering snapshots (someone takes photos/video) at the casting call and it can be uploaded to their flash drive they will bring (or pick up later with their flash drive.) It would be great for the children models we will need. Deborah

1 comment:

  1. Hi Deborah!

    This is a really great start! Love the lion add in on the Berg photo. Let's show this to the committee next week.
